Harness the Summer Sun: Maximize Your Volkswagen ID.4 Range

Harness the Summer Sun: Maximize Your Volkswagen ID.4 Range

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As we bask in the sun-soaked days of summer, Volkswagen ID.4 owners have a unique opportunity to squeeze out every possible mile from their fully electric steed. With a little strategy and smart planning, you can leverage the season's longer daylight hours and improved weather conditions to your advantage. Here are some tips to help you maximize your Volkswagen ID.4 range this summer.

Optimize Your Charging Strategy

While the VW ID.4 offers an impressive NRCan-estimated range of 443 km, you can exceed this by taking charge of your charging strategy, literally.

For home charging, ensure you're using a dedicated 240-volt wall charger, also known as a Level 2 charger. These units will provide the most efficient charge, delivering about 40-55 km of range per hour plugged in.

Leverage Preconditioning

Preconditioning is a feature that allows you to cool your car while it’s still plugged in. Using this feature, you can ensure your ID.4 is at an optimal temperature before you start driving, reducing the need to use battery power for air conditioning while on the road.

In your VW ID.4, you can easily set the preconditioning via the car’s infotainment system or through the Car-Net mobile app. Plan your departure time and let your ID.4 handle the rest.

Cruise Control is Your Friend

Using Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) can maximize your ID.4's range. ACC will help maintain a consistent speed, which is much more efficient than the stop-and-go of city driving. It also encourages economical driving by avoiding rapid acceleration and braking.

On the highway, the sweet spot for most EVs, including the ID.4, tends to be around 90-110 km/h. Going faster than this will significantly reduce your range due to increased wind resistance.

Regular Maintenance and Tire Check

Just because the ID.4 is electric doesn't mean it's maintenance-free. Regular check-ups can ensure that your vehicle is in top form. This includes checking the tire pressure – under-inflated tires can increase rolling resistance, which in turn increases energy consumption. Ensure your tires are inflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure.

Plan Your Route

Plan your trip in a way that allows you to drive at a consistent speed. Avoiding stop-and-go traffic can significantly improve your range. Use the ID.4’s navigation system, or other apps, which can show you charging stations along your route and even optimize your journey based on charging speed and location.

Eco Driving Mode

VW ID.4 offers an 'Eco' driving mode designed to optimize energy usage. It does this by limiting the power of the car and regulating the energy-consuming components. While it might make your ride slightly less zippy, it will surely help you add a few more miles to your range.

In conclusion, maximizing the range of your Volkswagen ID.4, or any EV for that matter, requires an informed approach to driving and charging. The above tips should go a long way in helping you harness the summer sun and achieve the longest possible trips between charges in your ID.4.